The McCallum Orchestra Boosters
The McCallum Orchestra Booster Club (the “MOB”) is a parent-run non-profit organization 501(c)(3) that works alongside our program directors and is dedicated to supporting every student musician and the overall McCallum Orchestra program through fundraising and other hands-on volunteer support. Our fundraising events help fill the gaps otherwise left open by shortfalls in AISD funding. The partnership between directors, families, and the community greatly benefits the students at McCallum. Your participation in these endeavors helps to ensure every student will have an amazing high school orchestra experience.
In the 2024-2025 school year, we have some exciting events scheduled and an exciting trip to Washington DC. in June of 2025. We need your help and your donations and encourage everyone to get involved in support of the program.
Communication & How to Get Involved
First and foremost please feel free to reach out and contact any member of the board listed below. If you don’t know where to begin start at the top and send the President an email. 🙂
We aim to keep this site current and as up-to-date as possible. Additionally, the MOB communicates regularly on Instagram and facebook. If you or your child is already a member of the McCallum orchestra you should be receiving information from Cut Time. If you are not or are new to the program please reach out to Erika Elder and she can set you up. Generally, new students and their families are added in the first 2 weeks of school. Finally, program directors use Blend & Remind to communicate directly with students in each orchestra. Parents and caregivers are welcome to be on these private lists- please reach out to the directors or your students to find out more information. More information about communication and opportunities for involvement will be made available at the annual Welcome Night.
MOB Contacts for 2024-2025
Nhaila Hendrickse, President
Christy Hodge, Vice-President
Katrina Hanson, Treasurer
Gretchen Crook, Secretary
Rachael Herndon-Prine, Fundraising Chair
Cara Schlegel, Trip Coordinator
We need your help! Please email Nhaila about how you can get involved!
Examples of recent Booster activities
- Paying the Austin Chamber Music Center to coach quartets of selected students
- Offering financial assistance for the annual trip and lesson assistance to those in need
- Working with student orchestra officers to set up each concert
- Organizing and running fundraising concerts
- Providing volunteer support for AISD orchestra events hosted at McCallum
- Producing concert programs and stage decorations
- Sizing, distributing, collecting, and cleaning uniforms
- Funding social events for the students
- Organizing the yearly trip
- Hosting the Orchestra Welcome Events
- Helping with communication of events to parents
- Maintaining the database of student and parent contact information
- Selling concessions and merchandise to raise MOB funds
- Planning the end-of-year orchestra banquet and senior send-off
- Maintaining the Parent’s Handbook