masterworks rehearsals

Orchestra Room 5600 Sunshine Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Chamber only

Orchestra Picture Day

Orchestra Room 5600 Sunshine Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Attached you will find the order form for the upcoming orchestra pictures scheduled for Friday December 6th at the high school during the class periods.McCallum High School Orchestra Orders 2024

MOB meeting

Easy Tiger at the Linc 6406 N Interstate 35 Frontage Rd #1100, Austin, TX, United States

Masterworks Concert

MAC Theater 5600 Sunshine Dr, Austin, TX, United States

Annual event with the choir. Chamber orchestra 

Winter Concert

MAC Theater 5600 Sunshine Dr, Austin, TX, United States

ACMC Recital

McCallum FAT 5600 Sunshine Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Selected students involved with Austin Chamber Music Center programs

MOB Meeting

Easy Tiger at the Linc 6406 N Interstate 35 Frontage Rd #1100, Austin, TX, United States

Come out for the booster club meeting at Easy Tiger!

Sonic Profit Share Night

Come out to Sonic on Burnet Road tonight and eat yummy food and support the orchestra. MAC orchestra will get a portion of all profits raised. 

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